Caucus Byte: Don't Forget the Democrats

There are two races going on and although the Iowa Dems seem to be either uninterested im or fumbling through the old “first in the nation” thing, there is a race. 

Robert Kennedy Jr and Marianne Williamson are offering a challenge to incumbent President Biden.

Kennedy did make a trip to Iowa, and whether his supporters are to the left, right or something else or just curious, he drew quite a crowd when he visited Des Moines on August 12. RFK Jr filled the 6500 square foot coffee shop Smoky Row with about 300 people who showed up to listen. 

Chuck Offenburger, the respected Iowa journalist wrote in his blog that he saw a lot of new faces that came out to the event. Offenburger also noted that Dennis Kucinich is Kennedy’s campaign manager.

“Your dad was one of my first political heroes,” I told RFK Jr. in a brief meeting Saturday night. “I hung out with his campaign a couple days in the spring of ’68. So how are you like him, and how are you different?”

He stepped back, ran his hand through his hair and said, “Interesting question.”  He paused, then added, “Well, I hope there are similarities.  There are probably some differences.  And I hope I am living up to his ideals.”

Marco Battaglia, the Libertarian who received 23% of the vote in the 2018 Iowa Attorney General election took to social media to give Kennedy his backing. 

The RFK campaign pic is uhh.. intense, but probably in line with what he’s going for. It’s also probably a good offset for the super patriotic images that Trump supporters have used in the last eight years as well


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