Caucus Byte- Apparel by Perry

Debate rules have made things complicated.

Now, I generally think the more voices the better, but you have to cut things off somewhere. Besides poll numbers and a pledge to back the eventual nominee, there is a requirement of getting 40,000 individual donors to their campaigns from at least 200 unique donors per state in 20 or more states. 

The last time I wrote I mentioned Gov Doug Burgum had incentivized donors to donate $1 and get a $20 gift card You can decide if that is a good or bad idea but he did accomplish the goal. 

I will leave it to you to decide if Perry Johnson has a better or worse idea. 

Perry got an initial big boost at the CPAC conference. But where he was a lovable lone rogue challenging Trump and DeSantis in March, five months later, there’s a whole list of non traditional candidates like Vivek Ramaswamy, Larry Elder, Ryan Binkley and so on. 

Perry has tried to attract supporters with an online Reality Show themed campaign and some bold moves like a Super Bowl ad and a plan to reduce the budget 2% annually 

This Writer's Strike needs to get fixed and soon

One of these days, I will have to write about that, but today is not that day

Mom can we get The Apprentice?  No, we have the Apprentice at home

This blog is about some of the odd sightings on the trail, and Johnson had a unique approach like Burgum. 

You see, to get donors, he sold “Fire Biden” gear. 


Now, of course, that’s probably a popular enough slogan to sell shirts to anyone who wanted them regardless if they support Johnson, Trump, DeSantis, or RFK. Jr. 

Which seems pretty popular, especially when you sell them for a little as a Buck and you take them to places like the Lincoln Dinner in Des Moines where 13 major Presidential candidates attended (all the big names minus Chris Christie)

The local NBC affiliate reports “This shirt doesn’t matter who you’re supporting on the Republican side,” said campaign coordinator Vanessa Treft. “We’ve had Trump supporters, Perry Johnson supporters, DeSantis supporters, they just all love the t-shirts. I can’t even tell you how many we’ve gone through in my three weeks here.” 

Which recalls a famous quote about love and war. If gift certificates and campaign gear are far game, what will come next. 

I have an idea. 

Girl Scout cookies. 

The road to The White house goes through Samoa.  A coconut caramel Samoa

Yes, that is my path to the White House or certainly at least a debate stage. It can’t fail. 

 (Breaking News: As we hit the deadline for the first debate, Burgum has been included, but Johnson is being excluded despite having enough signatures and claiming to meet all requirements. 

The Detroit Free Press reports today The Republican National Committee, which set thresholds on donor numbers and performance in opinion polls to qualify for the debate stage in Milwaukee, announced late Monday that eight candidates qualified. Johnson was not among them. Johnson, who hoped to benefit from national exposure in the debate to be aired on Fox News, said the RNC debate qualifying process has been "corrupted, plain and simple." adds In an interview, Johnson said Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, had informed him Monday night that some of the polls that had him at 1% support didn't meet the committee's criteria. Johnson said the RNC refused to recognize one poll because of the firm's connections with presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign and another poll because the RNC said the poll wasn't a national survey.


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