Iowa Pulse

In my spare time, I like to write about politics.  I am selfish so it has always been more of a hobby than something I put too much effort into, but I do like to share some tales.  

This summer is primetime for candidate appearances as the Presidential field is wide open and I wanted to share this.

I do go to the local parade and of course, check out the political content of the day.

The last couple of  years, politics filled the air and not in a good way.  There was definitely an air of contention and one side versus another.  I actually was at a smalltown parade that went nationwide viral for a Hillary for Prison float.

So, i just wanted to say that this year went back to that pre-2020 feel of patriotism and the political mood was more of Pride than Hate.

There's no real debate in the Democratic side of things.  There are opposition candidates but they are outsiders.

The real interest was the Republican side. 

Now, everything here is circumstantial.  I won't pretend that one person's impression of one parade is all that revelatory, but at the same time, I think there might be something to it.

Remember, this was two months ago, but even now, it looks like you could tell what was shaping up.

Republicans hold a majority of local seats, so of course, that was the main focus of signs and support in the parade.

Donald Trump undoubtedly is still the candidate of choice, but give his commanding lead in Iowa, the Republicans showed a wave of support for others.

Besides, Trump gear, Republicans walked in support of Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ryan Binkley.

As insightful as the support I saw, was the absence of one candidate.  

Rhymes with Pike Mince

When I look at all of the many pictures of local parades from June, July and August, I make an easy assumption that Trump, DeSantis and Ramaswamy are 1-2-3, even if not in that order.  Tim Scott is Number Four, and you could probably make a case that Doug Burgum is five and Doug Binkley bubbling under at six..

But Mike Pence support seems to be missing completely, at least on Iowan social media.

Pence did walk in the Urbandale July 4th Parade and hit ten Iowa counties that same week on his planned goal to visit all 99 counties in Iowa.  (Asa Hutchinson and Doug Burgum also marched in Des Moines metro area July 4 parades)

This is why I couldn't be a political writer.  I believe there is some insight to be gleaned but as you can tell, I am writing this months later.  Pence seemed to have a good debate performance and it might change.  Vivek is getting a bunch of attention, though i am suggesting that it isn't new at all.

Still, all politics is local and I do think that tracking support of those who care the deepest has some revelations.  Especially, with a caucus situation, those most passionate will make the difference.

The Des Moines Register revealed their GOP poll this weekend.  I love the Register Poll but was disappointed with their print coverage. 

 Trump 42% 

 DeSantis 19% 

 Scott 9% 

 Haley 6% 

 Pence 6% 

 Christie 5% 

 Ramaswamy 4% 

 Burgum 2% 

 Hurd 1%


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